Code of Conduct for GRUPA KĘTY S.A. Capital Group Suppliers

​Kodeks Postępowania Dostawców Grupy Kapitałowej Grupy Kęty S.A.

“Code of Conduct for GRUPA KĘTY S.A. Capital Group Suppliers” is a publication which was written while the Grupa Kęty S.A. capital group* was formulating its CSR policy, including its sustainable approach to the supply chain.

The code of conduct sets out the most important points for the group’s suppliers** and covers running an ethical and honest business, providing safe and healthy working conditions, respecting human rights and responsibility both for product quality and the natural environment.

We can certainly recommend reading the open letter written by Grupa Kęty SA’s Management Board to the capital group’s suppliers.

The “Code of Conduct for GRUPA KĘTY SA Capital Group Suppliers” is available here.

*Grupa Kęty SA capital group: Grupa Kęty SA and all its subsidiaries.

**Supplier: any entity engaged in a business relationship with the Grupa Kęty SA. capital group.